This week on our blog...
Keeping ahead of the legal side of an eventual business transition is crucial to maximizing business value. In a follow-up to our podcast this week with Cleve Clinton on this very topic, I wrote down a shortlist of items business owners need to look at now. It's not only good exit strategy, it's just good business. If I can help in any way with any of these items, DM me and I'm always happy to help. READ MORE
This week on our podcast...
In this episode of the Maximize Business Value podcast, I welcome Cleve Clinton, who is a partner at Gray Reed law firm in Dallas. I met Cleve through a mutual friend several years ago, and we've become great friends. He has presented at our V90X Lunch & Learn series (before COVID) and he is a master storyteller who, as a corporate attorney with a broad spectrum of clients, has “been there, done that” in almost every legal situation. As Cleve says he represents Mavericks who Dare Big, Plan Big, Think Big, and get into Big Trouble! Today, we talk about some of the legal considerations business owners really should be thinking about relating to building long term value and ultimately transitioning their business. Hope you catch it here or watch us on youtube. The video is recommended. No time to read, here is the transcript.
This week on my screen and on my mind...
Maximize Business Value LIVE Webinar LINK
Last chance to register for our MBV Webinar next Thursday, September 24th. This is taking the place of our V90X until we can resume safely. We'll be joined by John Gorbutt and we'll be talking about Things You Can Do Right NOW to Improve the Value of your Business - focusing on KPIs and Due Diligence. You don't want to miss this one!
Can an Email Exchange Modify a Lease? LINK
I just love talking with my good friend and attorney Cleve Clinton, who was our guest this week on the Maximize Business Value Podcast. If you'd like a little more Cleve (and who wouldn't) - here's a link to one of his recent blog posts about modifying a lease...
Common Reasons Business Sale Transactions Fail LINK
And here's another golden nugget from our friend Shei Unger at Northern Trust. Click here to learn some of the common reasons business transactions fall apart!
Whenever you’re ready, here are three ways I can help you maximize business value:
Order my book Maximize Business Value, Begin with the Exit in Mind. It provides the roadmap business owners need to start moving toward a successful transition.
Stay connected! Subscribe to my blog and podcast, follow me on LinkedIn and Facebook. Stay current on what’s happening with today’s trends. Not sure how to do that? Click here for a guide.
Reach out! I love helping solve business challenges! Let’s chat! SCHEDULE A CALL WITH ME if you want to better understand how we can help you maximize your business value or really anything else.
Hope you are safe and maximizing business value!